THE RURAL CYCLOPEDIA: Or a General Dictionary of Agriculture (...) - Rev. John M. Wilson

Wilson, John M. 
Or a General Dictionary of Agriculture, and of the Arts, Sciences, Instruments, and Practice, Necessary to the Farmer, Stockfarmer, Gardener, Forester, Landsteward, Farrier, &c
Edinburgh: Fullarton & Co., 1851.
4 v : il. ; 26,5 cm.
Volume I:  A - C (x, 926 p.); Volume II: D - I (880 p.); 
Volume III: K - P (956 p.); Volume IV: Q - Z (797 p.).
Encadernações em inteiras de pele; algumas esfoladelas nas mesmas; corte das páginas marmoreado; esparsas e pequenas manchas de acidez nalgumas páginas e ilustrações; completo com todas as gravuras, sendo algumas coloridas; miolo limpo.
"The Rural Cyclopedia communicates a thorough knowledge of farming, a general knowledge of gardening, and a very considerable knowledge of the natural sciences, and of general country affairs. It presents to farmers a digest of all agricultural literature; and, at the same time, offers to gardeners, foresters, land-stewards, and other well informed classes of the rural community, a larger amount of rich and well timed information that can be found in any one of the numerous works which have been expressly written for their benefit." - preface.
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Iva e portes incluídos.

John Marius Wilson (c.1805–1885) was a British writer and an editor, most notable for his gazetteers. The Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (published 1870–72), was a substantial topographical dictionary in six volumes. It was a companion to his Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland, published 1854–57.